Thursday, September 30, 2010

A bit of a gush

This is just a wee post showcasing the latest addition to my 'future husbands' list.

Rupert Friend.

For starters, what a name. Rupert. It's spectacular! There's no way he couldn't be charming. Additionally, look at him:


It seems I have a 'thing' for the long-haired, "dashing" type.

Really enjoyed his performance in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Fantastic movie. I should probably look into some of his other work.

That lucky bloody Keira Knightly...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


For the sake of everyone in my life, I absolutely must work on my temper. I'm a firey lass, there's always a lot of passion and emotion behind everything I seem to feel. Sometimes this works in my favour, but other times... It spells disaster for all involved. I think my main problem is that when I feel I've been hard done by, I want immediate redemption for it. Or at least, I immediately have to let the person know in no uncertain terms that they have crossed me. My usually 'sunny' disposition can switch to super-bitch in a matter of minutes. I think I need to work on holding things in, and dealing with them in a more calm manner, once my all too present emotions have abated.

I think I need to be more like Jacques from France.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Received a letter from the HR woman about the library job today, just a generic 'thanks for your application, we will be in touch with you if we would like to interview you' etc., but at least it was actually addressed to my, by my 'preferred name', even, so it's good to know that my application/CV weren't so terrible that they were immediately binned. Fingers crossed this is the start of something good.

In other news, I've had my first serious proposal of post-home living. I had been planning to move out of home around Feb/March of next year, preferrably into a place by myself, but I'm starting to realise the considerable expense of that option. A really good friend has mentioned that her parents are looking at a long term vacation, and if she can fill her house with 3 or 4 other tennants, she can stay there while her parents are away. I've never been terribly keen on the idea of living with other people (aside from a spouse), as I am quite independent, and like to be on my own schedule, but I really love this girl, and I do suppose that the whole 'flatting' phenomenon really is a necessary life-experience. At least the house would already be fully furnished, with all services already organised.

Growing up brings about so many decisions that need to be made.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life's moving on

Gosh, I really am awful at this blogging business.

 I do have something a little bit exciting going on at the moment; my dream job (for the moment) has come up- there is a position going at the city library, just 25 hours a week, but that's all I need if I'm going to be serious about this whole writing business. It's crazy and a bit terrifying to think that I've just applied for my first "real world" job. My last uni exam is now less than 2 months away; my student days (for now) are numbered. Honestly, I will be quite gutted if I don't get the job. It really would be perfect. But I know just as well as anyone that life doesn't always work out perfectly.

Another exciting tid bit is my 21st birthday that's coming up. I'm not really sure why 21 is such a big deal, as I don't believe there are any legal entitlements at 21 here in New Zealand, I guess it's just the whole transition into adulthood thing. Which, come to think of it, probably isn't worth celebrating, really...
But regardless, I'll be having a lovely party with my nearest and dearest, hopefully not doing anything too embarrassing.

I'm also wondering what direction, if any, this blog should take... I feel it's just a bit 'blah' at the moment. Surely no one really cares about my life. It's not all that interesting. Let's see what I can come up with in future posts...