Saturday, August 7, 2010

This is who I really am

How exciting. I now have a (semi)productive way to spend rainy Saturday afternoons; blogging.

I'm not altogether sure how to go about this 'into' post- it will most likely end up a jumble of facts about me; I hope you can make some sense out of them.

I'm 20 years old, and live in beautiful New Zealand.  I live with my dad; not because I'm a nerd, but because my mum died while I was temporarily living in Australia at age 18, so I came back to stay with poor old papa. It's worked out well for both of us; I've got somewhere cheap to live, and he's got company. I also have two older brothers (one married, one not), and a gorgeous three-year-old niece. She is a delight.

I'm currently in my last semester (I hope) of my Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Classical Studies. I've been studying by corresopndance, and will have finished it in 2 1/2 years as opposed to 3, because I'm amazing. Also because I sacrificed two summers to get ahead with my degree. Everyone always asks me what I plan to do with such a strange (aka useless) degree. To be honest, I don't know for sure. I used to think I wanted to work in a museum one day, and maybe I still do. The current dream, however, is to work in a library, and write Classics novels on the side. I have big dreams about this. I will be famous one day, just you wait.

I'm a music nut. I dabble (very lightly) in guitar and piano, but mainly have no musical ability. I sing a LOT, but I'm not very good. Listening to music is my forte. I'm AWESOME at it, and I do it all the time. I like a wide variety of music, but tend to go through phases of being completely obsessed with one particular artist at a time. Most recently, it is 30 Seconds to Mars. I saw them live on August 3rd, and they were mind-blowing. Lyrics get to me. If a song has lyrics that 'speak to me', I'll tend to love it no matter the genre. Many of my blog posts will undoubtedly be collections of lyrics that have some sort of meaning to me.

I feel a bit stumped. I'm not really sure what to tell next; I'm not even sure if there's much more to tell. I don't even know if anyone will read this, but feel free to ask anything you want to know...


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