Friday, August 6, 2010

To blog, or... ?

To paraphrase ancient philosopher Parmenides, once the notion of blogging popped into my head, it would have been impossible for me not to follow through with the idea. If we are able to think of something, it must exist. Once considering the reality of blogging, 'not to blog' would have been impossible. Nothing can 'not exist'; to speak of it in the first place means that it indeed exists.

And so, albeit confusingly, here is my first blog post.

What am I hoping to achieve, with this blog? I'm not really sure. I guess I would like to think that my life, my thoughts, my dreams are at least a little bit interesting, and perhaps even inspirational... Wouldn't that be amazing? To influence someone's life (hopefully in a positive way) through what are most likely to be non-sensical musings about a not-so-special life?

I guess we shall see.

Stay tuned for a proper introductory post, to get to know me a little better. I hope you find me interesting, if not inspirational.

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